SURVPOOL: A Consortium on Risk Factors and Cancer Survival

Country Cohort/study name Website/publication/other information
Multinational (Europe) EPIC PANACEA subcohort
China Linxian General Population Trial cohort Li B, Taylor PR, Li JY, Dawsey SM, Wang W, Tangrea JA, et al. (1993). Linxian nutrition intervention trials. Design, methods, participant characteristics, and compliance. Ann Epidemiol. 3(6):577–85. PMID: 7921303
China Shanghai Cohort Study Ross RK, Yuan JM, Yu MC, Wogan GN, Qian GS, Tu JT, et al. (1992). Urinary aflatoxin biomarkers and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Lancet. 339(8799):943–6. PMID: 1348796
China, Taiwan Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Two-Township Study Yeh CJ, Chan P, Pan WH (1996). Values of blood coagulating factors vary with ambient temperature: the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Two-Township Study in Taiwan. Chin J Physiol. 39(2):111–6. PMID: 8902310
China, Taiwan Community-Based Cancer Screening Program Chuang LC, Hu CY, Chen HC, Lin PJ, Lee B, Lin CY, et al. (2012). Associations of human leukocyte antigen class II genotypes with human papillomavirus 18 infection and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia risk. Cancer. 118(1):223–31. PMID: 21692064
Germany ESTHER Cohort Study [website in German]
Iceland Icelandic screening cohort Tryggvadóttir L, Tulinius H, Eyfjord JE, Sigurvinsson T (2001). Breastfeeding and reduced risk of breast cancer in an Icelandic cohort study. Am J Epidemiol. 154(1):37–42. PMID: 11427403
India Mumbai Cohort Study Gupta PC (1996). Survey of sociodemographic characteristics of tobacco use among 99,598 individuals in Bombay, India using handheld computers. Tob Control. 5(2):114–20. PMID: 8910992
Japan Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study (JPHC Study)
Japan Life Span Study cohort
Japan Miyagi Cohort Study Fukao A, Tsubono Y, Komatsu S, Tsuji I, Minami Y, Hisamichi S, et al. (1995). A cohort study on the relation of lifestyle, personality and biologic markers to cancer in Miyagi, Japan: study design, response rate and profiles of the cohort subjects. J Epidemiol. 5(3):153–7.
Japan Ohsaki National Health Insurance Cohort Study Tsuji I, Nishino Y, Ohkubo T, Kuwahara A, Ogawa K, Watanabe Y, et al. (1998). A prospective cohort study on National Health Insurance beneficiaries in Ohsaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan: study design, profiles of the subjects and medical cost during the first year. J Epidemiol. 8(5):258–63. PMID: 9884474
Japan Three-Prefecture Cohort Study (Aichi Prefecture) Sado J, Kitamura T, Kitamura Y, Zha L, Liu R, Sobue T, et al. (2017). Rationale, design, and profile of the Three-Prefecture Cohort in Japan: a 15-year follow-up. J Epidemiol. 27(4):193–9. PMID: 28142030
Japan Three-Prefecture Cohort Study (Miyagi Prefecture) Sado J, Kitamura T, Kitamura Y, Zha L, Liu R, Sobue T, et al. (2017). Rationale, design, and profile of the Three-Prefecture Cohort in Japan: a 15-year follow-up. J Epidemiol. 27(4):193–9. PMID: 28142030
Norway Tromsø Study cohort
Republic of Korea Cancer Screenee Cohort Study Kim J (2014). Cancer screenee cohort study of the National Cancer Center in South Korea. Epidemiol Health. 36:e201413. PMID: 25119453
Republic of Korea Seoul Male Cancer Cohort Study Bae JM, Lee MS, Shin MH, Kim DH, Li ZM, Ahn YO (2007). Cigarette smoking and risk of lung cancer in Korean men: the Seoul Male Cancer Cohort Study. J Korean Med Sci. 22(3):508–12. PMID: 17596662
Singapore Singapore Chinese Health Study Hankin JH, Stram DO, Arakawa K, Park S, Low SH, Lee HP, et al. (2001). Singapore Chinese Health Study: development, validation, and calibration of the quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Nutr Cancer. 39(2):187–95. PMID: 11759279
Sweden Women’s Lifestyle and Health cohort
USA Cancer Prevention Study II